Acupuncture in Berlin, Kreuzberg


Acupuncture is an ancient healing modality that can be used for a variety of conditions, ranging from treating severe health issues to preventing diseases and improving a general sense of well-being.

It is a safe method that offers great results with little to no side-effects. The WHO has compiled a list of conditions and illnesses ,which can be positively affected by acupuncture and can be found here.


In my praxis in Berlin Kreuzberg/Neukölln, I treat with different modalities. Depending on the clincal picture that each patient presents, I use acupuncture, guasha, cupping, massage and Chinese herbs as well as nutritional advice to try and correct imbalances and help the patient's body to restore its health. 




Feel free to contact me via email 

or phone: 0160 560 3949 .

I will usually try to get back to you within a few hours and we can talk about any further questions you might have and which time might be suitable for you.


What does an acupuncture treatment costs?


70 Euros per regular session  (50-60 minutes)


 the first initial session includes an extensive initial evaluation of your medical history, your current issues and Chinese diagnostic assessment and costs 140 Euros ( 100 to 130 minutes) and includes your first acupuncture treatment. 

This also includes the prescribing and ordering of the Chinese herbs for you in a pharmacy if herbal treatment is necessary. However, the herbs must be paid to the pharmacy directly and are not included in the treatment costs.



There is the option to book 5 treatments in advance, for this I charge a reduced fee of 320 Euro.

In case the treatment takes longer there is also a 10 treatment option for 630 Euro.


For more chronic conditions this could be an advisable route to take, as sometimes, it may require some patience to get well again.



For students, unemployed people or retirees with little income, we will find a solution to a treatment option that will be financially manageable for you.


In case you have a private insurance that covers the treatment completely, prices may vary.


If you are unsure whether or not you can afford treatment, it may be advisable to look into an additional insurance a so called 'Heilpraktikerzusatzversicherung' which usually covers about 80 percent of the overall costs of going to a naturopath as well as the costs of the prescribed herbs.

For consulation you could try calling Check 24. They are very helpful and they will be able to tell you whether you are eligable. The costs usually range from about 10 to 30 Euro per months, depending on your age and insurance.



In case of needing to cancel , please do so at least 24 hours prior to your appointment!


For an assessment cancellation ,please cancel at least 48 hours before your appointment. 


Otherwise, especially with no prior notice I will have to charge in full for the missed appointment.